Jeremy Barrell
This website has been prepared and is administered by Barrell Tree Consultancy (BTC) ( The BTC business is based in the UK, although it does have a background of training and development in other countries. BTC has no direct income through the publication of its planning guidance and finances the development of its tree assessment methods through its UK business. The objective of these endeavours is to enhance the international dissemination of best practice guidance through the BTC websites. Most of the content of the TreeAZ website is not subject to copyright and can be copied freely, but its source should be acknowledged.
Jeremy Barrell is the Managing Director of BTC, which is a UK based arboricultural consultancy specialising in advising on trees in a planning and legal context. The company practices throughout the UK, with an international distribution of its tree assessment methods. These methods are described on this website and are actively promoted through training workshops around the world.
Jeremy's first tree assessment method was designed in the 1980s and called Safe Useful Life Expectancy (SULE). During the 1990s, this evolved into TreeAZ, which is based on the same principles but more suited to the emerging planning environment. Those principles, developed through the evolution of TreeAZ, also apply to most other forms of tree assessment, which has resulted in a number of sister methods. TreeAP is for assessing the suitability of trees for statutory protection, and aimed at councils for use in administering their tree preservation strategies. TreeAS is a method for councils to assess street trees, where prioritising resources is an important management issue. TreeAH focuses on the characteristics that make trees worthy of special recognition and protection, through the designation of Heritage status.