TreeAZ guidance for tree consultants
Arboricultural impact appraisal report:
The arboricultural impact appraisal report is a formal document intended to support a planning application. It would normally be submitted as supplementary information in support of full architectural drawings and the other documents required within the local planning system. Its purpose is to identify all the important trees that may be affected by the development proposal and provide sufficient information on their quality, the impact of the proposal on them and what protective measures would be appropriate to ensure the survival of those identified for retention. In conjunction with the other submission documents, this report should provide sufficient information for the council to fully understand the impact on trees and decide whether it complies with the prevailing policy guidance. If it does comply, then this document would be the basis for consent and the implementation of the proposal. If the council do not agree with its content, then it would form the basis for further negotiation towards resolving any concerns. Select your country at the foot of the last page to download a sample arboricultural impact appraisal report.